What prompted me to start this blog, and write about Accra hotels and resorts was the fact that recent news has piqued my curiosity regarding this city and this nation. Let me explain.
The news coming out of Africa tends to be bad. There are many stereotypes. but there has also been a lot of interestingly good news coming out of some of the African countries, one of which is Ghana. An article in a magazine I respect identified Ghana as one of the bright spots in Africa. In spite of the current global crisis, Ghana is looking to grow by a good margin this year. That is not to say that Ghana is immune to the financial situation, or has somehow completely decoupled from the world economy. That said, it appears to find itself in a position of national growth, whereas many other countries are looking at much more problematic situations.
Furthermore, it appears that Ghana has relatively good governance on its side. There is a key election going on, but the people of Ghana are hopeful that it and its aftermath will be peaceful.
Finally, there has been a recent discovery of oil deposits off the shores of the country. That oil, coupled with the other natural resources found in Ghana, and in light of the demand by growing countries for these types of resources, has led to optimism regarding the country's economic future.
So this is a country which currently appears to be in a good place, with the promise of an even brighter future. I wanted to read about this, learn more, and write about it. That said, the idea of writing about an entire country doesn't appeal to me. I wanted to have a focus. and I decided that that focus would revolve around the country's tourism.
Hence, my discussion of Accra hotels and resorts in Ghana. My sense is that, if the country maintains course, and continues to improve its status, then tourism related businesses, such as Accra hotels and resorts, will make gains. By writing about these travel establishments in this Accra hotel blog, in a way, I'll be studying what is something of a proxy for the wider economy.